What’s Christmas Expo?
And why is it in June or July???

We get this question, a lot. To most people Christmas is that time of year when there seem to be plenty of days off from work between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Christmas trees start popping up like weeds. Then there’s the challenge about getting into something called the Christmas spirit. It’s hard to define this time of year but it’s hard not to notice most people do seem a little nicer.
Then there’s the hassle factor. All the amateur shoppers hit the stores in search of presents causing traffic headaches and long lines at the checkout. Relatives come to visit and they’re typically the ones you try to avoid the rest of the year. Unfortunately, there are also the dreaded office parties, school pageants and children driving you crazy counting down the days to December 25th.
Did we mention somewhere in the middle of this chaos you’re supposed to decorate and enjoy what many call the most wonderful time of the year?

Chances are if you’re reading PlanetChristmas magazine, you’re looking forward to the Christmas season. You see it as an opportunity to spread goodwill and make a positive difference in the lives of others. It might be something as small as spending quality time with your parents or creating/continuing the family tradition of hiding that pickle ornament on the Christmas tree. Then again, you might be that person that loves serious holiday decorating and watching the smiles created on people’s faces.
If you’re the type of person wanting to make a difference during the holiday season, think Christmas Expo.
Anyone can buy stuff in the Christmas departments of the megastores during December. They typically have a wide selection from artificial trees to wrapping paper. If you stop and think about it though, you’re buying the same stuff as millions of others. It’s hard to make a difference when you’re just like everyone else.
Serious Christmas decorators know great things don’t happen overnight. It takes planning, constant scouting for new ideas and a willingness to be different. You’re on the cutting edge of trends and become the thought leaders for everyone else. It’s not easy to make a difference.
PlanetChristmas understands where you’re coming from and we realize by helping you be successful in your community, together we’re changing the world. It sounds a bit corny and simplistic, but it’s so very true.
Why is Christmas Expo not closer to Christmas Day?
The Christmas experience requires more advanced planning than you can imagine. While you’re reading this article, orders have been placed by the giant department stores for this holiday season. Manufacturers are already building Christmas decorations for the mass market. If you think about it, creating all the merchandise sold during December takes a lot of time to build, package, ship, unload and put out on display for the customer. Christmas merchandising is a big deal.
Christmas decorating doesn’t just happen. It takes planning. The store window decorators in New York City start their work in January. Those wild light shows animated to music are being worked on now. Pro decorators are making the final decisions what new products they’ll offer their clients right now. Steel is already being bent and welded for the grand displays you’ll be seeing for the holidays. If you step back and look at others, you’ll realize the more you plan, the better the results.
Christmas Expo is during the summer because that’s when the serious decorators are planning their final push to the holidays.
All this finally brings us back to why anyone should attend the event. We’ve made it easy for you. Christmas Expo is the way you can see the latest products available from the vendors, learn techniques, tips and tricks from the experts while also networking with others sharing your passion.
The vendors will be at Christmas Expo to show you their latest and greatest products/services while trying to convince you life will be better after buying from them. We’re not so sure about improved life but they can make a real difference as you’re planning your Christmas decorations. Instead of having to rely on the marketing hype of printed ads and websites, you can see/touch/experience the products in person in order to make intelligent decisions. Many vendors will be introducing brand new items. Others will use Christmas Expo as a way to clear out their warehouses by offering really good deals on slightly dated products. More importantly, you can confirm the vendor is real and they’re a company you feel comfortable with doing business. Knowing a name attached to a real face makes all the difference when you have a question or problem during the busy decorating season.
What most people don’t realize is the vendors can be a wealth of information as you are trying to figure out that really tough decorating challenge. Chances are they have already tackled a similar issue or can help sort out the mysteries. The vendors are there to help you. Use it to your advantage.
Christmas Expo is about education. You can certainly figure everything out all by yourself but why? If you can save time by learning techniques and shortcuts from others, that means you have more time to focus on different aspects of your decorating plans.
We realize there are many types of Christmas decorators in the world and we try to cover them all. If you’re a professional looking to expand the company, come listen to the business owners that have already been there and done that. If you’re a serious home decorator trying to figure out how to take the next step and become an over-the-top decorator, then come learn from the ones that have already been there. If you think you might want to get into the Christmas business, we’ll show you what to look for and what to avoid. If you’re a simple decorator looking for fresh ideas, we’re just the place to stimulate your brain.
Christmas Expo wants to expand your mind. We do this by bringing in the best of the best to demonstrate proven techniques and show possibilities of what can be done.
You can certainly go it alone when it comes to Christmas decorating but there are times when talking to others will trigger ideas you never considered. Knowing others in the decorating world becomes invaluable when you’re faced with a challenge where you have no experience. By tapping into the knowledge of others, you grow while at the same time providing a better experience for your audience. Building a network of colleagues, friends and enthusiasts makes a world of difference with what you can do. You’re going to be surrounded with like-minded people at Christmas Expo. Don’t be a wallflower. Introduce yourself to strangers and be prepared to be amazed at the final results. Great ideas come from listening to others and understanding the way they do things. Add a little of your own imagination and watch the magic.
You Gotta Be There
We’ve written a lot of words for you to read and ponder. If you’re looking for the abbreviated version, it’s pretty simple.
If you want to be like everyone else, wait until Christmas. If you want to make a difference in the world, come to Christmas Expo.
This article was included in the April 2011 issue of PlanetChristmas Magazine.
By Eddie Johnson